Archives for category: coffee

of art x 3

LACMA visit, always super fun, Los Angeles!

E. George

cover one, publish date 10/16/12
Fall print issue release 11/17/12

e-sulferous occupation e g

”angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to
the starry dynamo in the machinery of night,”
Allen Ginsberg (b. 1926), U.S. poet. from Howl

I think it maybe necessary to pronounce my feelings.

in fury

with spirit attached to all

whose passion and rage

was so vivid and real

utility plastic

pen and ink with charcoal 1982

all that obsessed time

the hot blue sky,

utility plastic melting in the sun

 portrait of German artist

the ancient cyclops of my youth

as the ancient cyclops of my youth

reached down again from high

I spoke into it’s presence

up towards an azure sky

For years I have kept some of this artwork more private for a number of reasons, and feel in response to the ever growing drumbeat of the anti openness and anti gay movement, that has changed.
By nature I tend to keep a low profile, events of late have made it clear those days are gone. Now I think it maybe necessary to pronounce my feelings.


layered dialog

another painting from my pro gay series